NAICS Code Description

813930 - Labor Unions and Similar Labor Organizations

Top Businesses by Annual Sales for 813930 – Click for Complete Profiles:

Unite Here HealthInterntnal Un Untd Atmble Arsp
Laborers Fnds Admnstrtive OffiAmerican Fdrtion State Cnty MN
Service Employees Intl UnInternational Brthd Elec Wkrs
United Fd & Coml Wkrs Intl UnInternational Brthd Teamsters
National Autmtc Sprnklr IndustCommunctons Wkrs Amer AFL-CIO

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in promoting the interests of organized labor and union employees.

Index Entries for 813930
813930813930813930Collective bargaining units
813930813930813930Employees' associations for improvement of wages and working conditions
813930813930813930Federation of workers, labor organizations
813930813930813930Federations of labor
813930813930813930Industrial labor unions
813930813930813930Labor federations
813930813930813930Labor unions (except apprenticeship programs)
813930813930813930Trade unions (except apprenticeship programs)
813930813930813930Trade unions, local
813930813930813930Unions (except apprenticeship programs), labor