NAICS Code Description

444220 - Nursery, Garden Center, and Farm Supply Stores

No Companies Listed in 444220

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in retailing nursery and garden products, such as trees, shrubs, plants, seeds, bulbs, and sod, that are predominantly grown elsewhere. These establishments may sell a limited amount of a product they grow themselves. Also included in this industry are establishments primarily engaged in retailing farm supplies, such as animal (except pet) feed.

Cross-References. Establishments primarily engaged in--

  • Retailing nursery and garden products via electronic home shopping, mail-order, or direct sale--are classified in Subsector 454, Nonstore Retailers;
  • Providing landscaping services--are classified in Industry 561730, Landscaping Services; and
  • Growing and retailing nursery stock--are classified in U.S. Industry 111421, Nursery and Tree Production.
Index Entries for 444220
444220444220444220Farm supply stores
444220444220444220Feed stores (except pet)
444220444220444220Garden centers
444220444220444220Lawn supply stores
444220444220444220Nurseries, retail, stock primarily grown off premises
444220444220444220Nursery and garden centers without tree production