NAICS Code Description

485113 - Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit Systems

Top Businesses by Annual Sales for 485113 – Click for Complete Profiles:

Orange County Trnsp AuthMetropolitan Trnsp Comm
Regional Transportation AuthRochester Genesee Transprtn Au
Chicago Transit AuthorityCentral Ohio Transit Authority
Regional Pub Trnsportaion AuthSouthwest Ohio Rgnal Trnst Aut
Southeastern PA Trnsp AuthSan Diego Transit Corporation

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in operating local and suburban passenger transportation systems using buses or other motor vehicles over regular routes and on regular schedules within a metropolitan area and its adjacent nonurban areas.

Cross-References. Establishments primarily engaged in--

  • Operating local and suburban passenger transportation systems using both a bus or other motor vehicle and another mode of transport--are classified in U.S. Industry 485111, Mixed Mode Transit Systems;
  • Providing interurban and rural bus transportation--are classified in Industry 485210, Interurban and Rural Bus Transportation; and
  • Providing scenic and sightseeing transportation using buses or other motor vehicles--are classified in Industry 487110, Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation, Land.
Index Entries for 485113
485113485113485113Bus line, local (except mixed mode)
485113485113485113Bus services, urban and suburban (except mixed mode)
485113485113485113Bus transit systems (except mixed mode)
485113485113485113City bus services (except mixed mode)
485113485113485113Commuter bus operation (except mixed mode)
485113485113485113Local bus services (except mixed mode)
485113485113485113Suburban bus line services (except mixed mode)
485113485113485113Urban bus line services (except mixed mode)