NAICS Code Description

236117 - New Housing For-Sale Builders

Top Businesses by Annual Sales for 236117 – Click for Complete Profiles:

DR Horton IncKB Home
Lennar CorporationTri Pointe Homes Inc
Pultegroup IncM/I Homes Inc
Toll Brothers IncHovnanian Enterprises Inc
Nvr IncBeazer Homes Usa Inc

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in building new homes on land that is owned or controlled by the builder rather than the homebuyer or investor. The land is included with the sale of the home. Establishments in this industry build single-family and/or multifamily homes. These establishments are often referred to as merchant builders, but are also known as production or for-sale builders.

Cross-References. Establishments primarily engaged in--

  • Building single-family houses for others as general contractors--are classified in U.S. Industry 236115, New Single-Family Housing Construction (except For-Sale Builders);
  • Building multifamily residential buildings for others as general contractors--are classified in U.S. Industry 236116, New Multifamily Housing Construction (except For-Sale Builders);
  • Remodeling or repairing existing houses and other residential buildings, either for others or on own account for sale--are classified in U.S. Industry 236118, Residential Remodelers;
  • Performing specialized construction work on houses or other residential buildings, generally on a subcontract basis--are classified in Subsector 238, Specialty Trade Contractors; and
  • Constructing and leasing residential buildings on their own account--are classified in Industry 531110, Lessors of Residential Buildings and Dwellings.
Index Entries for 236117
236117236117236117Apartment building for-sale builders
236117236117236117Cabin for-sale builders
236117236117236117Condominium for-sale builders
236117236117236117Cooperative apartment for-sale builders
236117236117236117Cottage for-sale builders
236117236117236117Custom builders, for-sale builders, multifamily buildings
236117236117236117Custom builders, for-sale builders, single-family home
236117236117236117Duplex for-sale builders
236117236117236117For-sale builders (i.e., building on own land, for sale), residential
236117236117236117For-sale builders (i.e., building on own land, for sale), single-family housing
236117236117236117Garden apartment for-sale builders
236117236117236117High-rise apartment for-sale builders
236117236117236117Home builders, for-sale
236117236117236117Housing construction, for-sale builder
236117236117236117Housing construction, merchant builder
236117236117236117Log home for-sale builders
236117236117236117Low income housing construction for-sale builders
236117236117236117Low-rise apartment for-sale builders
236117236117236117Merchant builders (i.e., building on own land, for sale), residential
236117236117236117Modular housing, residential, assembled on site by for-sale builders
236117236117236117Multifamily building for-sale builders
236117236117236117Panelized housing, residential, assembled on site by for-sale builders
236117236117236117Panelized multifamily housing assembled on site by for-sale builders
236117236117236117Precut housing, residential, assembled on site by for-sale builders
236117236117236117Premanufactured housing assembled on site by for-sale builders
236117236117236117Residential for-sale builders
236117236117236117Row house construction for-sale builders
236117236117236117Single-family housing built on own land for sale (i.e., for-sale builders)
236117236117236117Single-family housing construction for-sale builders
236117236117236117Speculative builders (i.e., building on own land, for sale), multifamily housing
236117236117236117Speculative builders (i.e., building on own land, for sale), residential
236117236117236117Speculative builders (i.e., building on own land, for sale), single-family housing
236117236117236117Time-share condominium construction for-sale builders
236117236117236117Town house construction for-sale builders
236117236117236117Vacation housing construction for-sale builders