Banner image with a space theme showing the text, "Global Batch Data-Match: Batch Processing of Worldwide Firmographic Data.
  • Accepted file types: csv, Max. file size: 32 MB.

Global Batch File History:

Global Batch Usage Tips:

Important - Use this Standard Input File Layout when Submitting Files.

The First Five Columns can be used to store any Non Personal Identifying Information such as a Record ID (to merge back into your Source Data).  Do not include Names of Individuals, SS #s, CC #s, or any other Personal Information in the file.

The Remaining Eight Input Columns should reflect the Following Fields in Order: Company Name, Street Address, PO Box, City, State, Zip, Country and Phone Number.

Missing Info? - Leave the Field Blank.

Business Listings Missing the following Info will Fail to Append:
Company Name, City, State, and Country Fields.

Are you using the Company’s Billing Address?  We generally recommend using the Billing Address unless you specifically want information as listed at another Address owned by the Company.