Unique Site ID: 02-358-6319 | ||
Company Name: Grouper Holdings LLC | Tradestyle: | |
Top Contact: Restricted | Title: Restricted | |
Street Address: 1501 Oxford Rd, Charlottesville VA 22903 | ||
Phone: Restricted | ||
URL: www.middlegroundcapital.com | ||
Total Emps: 471 | Emps On Site: 450 | |
Sales Volume: $1,135,843,574 | ||
Public/Private: Public | Year Started: 2009 | |
Lat: 38.0472691 | Long: -78.4833415 | |
NAICS 1: 336370 | Motor Vehicle Metal Stamping | |
NAICS 2: 332119 | Metal Crown, Closure, and Other Metal Stamping (except Automotive) | |
SIC 1: 34650000 | Automotive stampings | |
SIC 2: 34690000 | Metal stampings, nec | |
Number of Locations: 77 | ||
Date of Report: 2022-07-01 |