There were 1,175 industries in 2007 NAICS United States and in 2012 NAICS United States there are 1,065 industries. For 2012, revisions were made to address changes in the economy. These included content revisions for selected areas, several title changes, and clarification of a few industry definitions. Specifically, the changes include: (1) collapsing detail in the Manufacturing sector to reduce statistical product production costs and respondent burden; (2) adding new and emerging industries; (3) the classification of distribution centers, publishers’ sales offices, and logistics service providers; (4) the classification of units that outsource all transformation activities.
Noticeable changes were made to six of the twenty NAICS sectors during the 2012 revision of NAICS. These sectors are listed below:
- Sector 22, Utilities – 2007 NAICS code 221119, Other Electric Power Generation, was deleted and portions of it were reclassified, resulting in the addition of five new 6-digit industries: 221114, Solar Electric Power Generation; 221115, Wind Electric Power Generation; 221116, Geothermal Electric Power Generation; 221117, Biomass Electric Power Generation; 221118, Other Electric Power Generation.
- Sector 23, Construction – Building fireproofing contractors and fireproofing flooring construction contractors were moved to 238310, Drywall and Insulation Contractors.
- Sector 31-33, Manufacturing – Major changes were made in the Manufacturing sector, with the collapsing of detail. Digital camera manufacturing was moved to newly created industry, 333316, Photographic and Photocopying Equipment Manufacturing.
- Sector 42, Wholesale Trade – Electric water heaters was moved to 423720, Plumbing and Heating Equipment and Supplies (Hydronics) Merchant Wholesalers. Gas household appliances (except gas water heaters) was moved to newly titled 423620, Household Appliances, Electric Housewares, and Consumer Electronics Merchant Wholesalers.
- Sector 44-45, Retail Trade – 2007 NAICS codes 441221, Motorcycle, ATV, and Personal Watercraft Dealers, and 441229, All Other Motor Vehicle Dealers, were collapsed into a new 6-digit industry, 441228, Motorcycle, ATV, and All Other Motor Vehicle Dealers. 2007 NAICS codes 454311, Heating Oil Dealers; 454312, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Bottled Gas) Dealers; 454319, Other Fuel Dealers, were collapsed into a new 6-digit industry, 454310, Fuel Dealers. Subsector 443, Electronics and Appliance Stores, was restructured.
Sector 72, Accommodation and Food Services – Industries in Subsector 722, Food Services and Drinking Places, were restructured, resulting in new Industry Group 7225, Restaurants and Other Eating Places.