SIC Industry Description

Industry: 9611—Administration of General Economic Programs
Government establishments primarily engaged in promotion and development of economic resources of all kinds, including tourism, business, and industry. Included are establishments responsible for the development of general statistical data and analyses and promotion of the general economic well-being of the Nation.

Consumer protection offices—governmentGeneral economic statistics agencies—government
Economic development agencies—governmentTrade commissions—government
Energy development and conservation agencies—nonoperating
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
9611Administration of General Economic Programs2,305
961100Administration of general economic programs275
96110000Administration of general economic programs275
961104Administration of general economic programs, level of government997
96110400Administration of general economic programs, level of goverment7
96110401Administration of general economic programs, Federal government353
96110402Administration of general economic programs, State government331
96110403Administration of general economic programs, County government133
96110404Administration of general economic programs, Local government173
961199Administration of general economic programs, nec1,033
96119901Consumer protection office, government116
96119902Economic development agency, government589
96119903Energy development and conservation agency, government264
96119904General economic statistics agency, government15
96119905Trade commission, government49