NAICS Code Description

512191 - Teleproduction and Other Postproduction Services

Top Businesses by Annual Sales for 512191 – Click for Complete Profiles:

Walt Disney ImagineeringAtomic Fiction Inc
Deluxe Media IncNational Captioning Inst Inc
Foto-Kem Industries IncDeluxe Digital Media MGT Inc
Black Label Media LLCPost Group Inc
Ten Publishing Media LLCDneg North America Inc

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing specialized motion picture or video postproduction services, such as editing, film/tape transfers, subtitling, credits, closed captioning, and animation and special effects.

Cross-References. Establishments primarily engaged in--

  • Mass duplicating video discs, tapes, and film--are classified in U.S. Industry 334614, Software and Other Prerecorded Compact Disc, Tape, and Record Reproducing;
  • Developing and processing motion picture film--are classified in U.S. Industry 512199, Other Motion Picture and Video Industries;
  • Providing audio services for film, television, and video productions--are classified in Industry 512240, Sound Recording Studios; and
  • Acquiring distribution rights and distributing film and video productions to motion picture theaters, television networks and stations, and exhibitors--are classified in Industry 512120, Motion Picture and Video Distribution.
Index Entries for 512191
512191512191512191Closed captioning services, taped material
512191512191512191Film or tape closed captioning
512191512191512191Film or video transfer services
512191512191512191Motion picture animation, postproduction
512191512191512191Motion picture or video editing services
512191512191512191Motion picture or video postproduction services
512191512191512191Motion picture or video titling
512191512191512191Motion picture production special effects, postproduction
512191512191512191Post-synchronization sound dubbing
512191512191512191Postproduction facilities, motion picture or video
512191512191512191Sound dubbing services, motion picture
512191512191512191Special effects for motion picture production, postproduction
512191512191512191Subtitling of motion picture film or video
512191512191512191Tape transfer service
512191512191512191Teleproduction services
512191512191512191Titling of motion picture film or video
512191512191512191Video conversion services (i.e., between formats)
512191512191512191Video postproduction services