Click on any Six Digit Code to see the Top Business Profiles within that Industry.
Industry Title
Business Count
11Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting367,959
1111Oilseed and Grain Farming58,944
1112Vegetable and Melon Farming4,605
1113Fruit and Tree Nut Farming10,228
1114Greenhouse, Nursery, and Floriculture Production12,281
1119Other Crop Farming141,054
1121Cattle Ranching and Farming45,330
1122Hog and Pig Farming4,074
1123Poultry and Egg Production3,553
1129Other Animal Production35,888
1131Timber Tract Operations1,956
1132Forest Nurseries and Gathering of Forest Products921
1142Hunting and Trapping1,273
1151Support Activities for Crop Production12,498
1152Support Activities for Animal Production17,761
1153Support Activities for Forestry5,097
Two-Digit NAICS Sectors