NAICS Code Description

541350 - Building Inspection Services

Top Businesses by Annual Sales for 541350 – Click for Complete Profiles:

Bureau Veritas Holdings IncQuiktrak Inc
Nova Engineering & Envmtl LLCCarlson Testing Inc
Premium Inspection & Tstg IncSafebuilt LLC
US Inspect LLCBuilding Insptn Undrwrters PA
Working Buildings LLC4leaf Inc

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing building inspection services. These establishments typically evaluate all aspects of the building structure and component systems and prepare a report on the physical condition of the property, generally for buyers or others involved in real estate transactions. Building inspection bureaus and establishments providing home inspection services are included in this industry.

Cross-References. Establishments primarily engaged in--

  • Inspecting buildings for termites and other pests--are classified in Industry 561710, Exterminating and Pest Control Services;
  • Inspecting buildings for hazardous materials--are classified in Industry 541620, Environmental Consulting Services; and
  • Conducting building inspections and enforcing building codes and standards--are classified in Industry 926150, Regulation, Licensing, and Inspection of Miscellaneous Commercial Sectors.
Index Entries for 541350
541350541350541350Building inspection bureaus
541350541350541350Building inspection services
541350541350541350Energy efficiency inspection services
541350541350541350Home inspection services
541350541350541350Inspection bureaus, building
541350541350541350Inspection services, building or home
541350541350541350Prepurchase home inspection services