NAICS Code Description

813910 - Business Associations

Top Businesses by Annual Sales for 813910 – Click for Complete Profiles:

Dormitory Authority - State NYGeorgia Farm Bur Mutl Insur Co
Financial Indust Rgltory AuthNew York Shipping Assn Inc
Buckeye Power IncNational Telecom Coop Assn
Tenerity IncWestern Minn Municpl Pwr Agcy
Snake River Sugar CompanyComal Independent School Dst

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in promoting the business interests of their members. These establishments may conduct research on new products and services; develop market statistics; sponsor quality and certification standards; lobby public officials; or publish newsletters, books, or periodicals for distribution to their members.

Illustrative Examples:

Agricultural organizations (except youth farming organizations, farm granges)
Real estate boards
Chambers of commerce
Trade associations
Manufacturers' associations


  • Establishments owned by their members but organized to perform a specific business function, such as common marketing of crops, joint advertising, or buying cooperatives, are classified according to their primary activity;
  • Establishments primarily engaged in promoting the professional interests of their members and the profession as a whole are classified in Industry 813920, Professional Organizations;
  • Establishments primarily engaged in promoting the interests of organized labor and union employees, such as trade unions, are classified in Industry 813930, Labor Unions and Similar Labor Organizations; and
  • Establishments primarily engaged in lobbying public officials (i.e., lobbyists) are classified in Industry 541820, Public Relations Agencies.
Index Entries for 813910
813910813910813910813910Agricultural organizations (except youth farming organizations, farm granges)
813910813910813910813910Animal breeders' associations
813910813910813910813910Bankers' associations
813910813910813910813910Better business bureaus
813910813910813910813910Boards of trade
813910813910813910813910Business associations
813910813910813910813910Chambers of commerce
813910813910813910813910Construction associations
813910813910813910813910Contractors' associations
813910813910813910813910Distributors' associations
813910813910813910813910Farmers' associations
813910813910813910813910Farmers' unions
813910813910813910813910Growers' associations
813910813910813910813910Hospital associations
813910813910813910813910Industrial associations
813910813910813910813910Insurers' associations
813910813910813910813910Junior chambers of commerce
813910813910813910813910Manufacturers' associations
813910813910813910813910Merchants' associations
813910813910813910813910Mining associations
813910813910813910813910Producers' associations
813910813910813910813910Public utility associations
813910813910813910813910Real estate boards
813910813910813910813910Restaurant associations
813910813910813910813910Retailers' associations
813910813910813910813910Service industries associations
813910813910813910813910Shipping companies' associations
813910813910813910813910Trade associations
813910813910813910813910Warehousing associations
813910813910813910813910Wholesalers' associations