81331 - Social Advocacy Organizations
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This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in promoting a particular cause or working for the realization of a specific social or political goal to benefit a broad or specific constituency. These organizations may solicit contributions and offer memberships to support these goals.
Illustrative Examples:
Community action advocacy organizations
Firearms advocacy organizations
Conservation advocacy organizations
Human rights advocacy organizations
Environmental advocacy organizations
Wildlife preservation organizations
- Establishments primarily engaged in promoting the civic and social interests of their members are classified in Industry 81341, Civic and Social Organizations;
- Establishments primarily engaged in promoting the interests of organized labor and union employees are classified in Industry 81393, Labor Unions and Similar Labor Organizations;
- Establishments primarily engaged in operating animal shelters are classified in Industry 81291, Pet Care (except Veterinary) Services;
- Establishments primarily engaged in providing legal services for social advocacy organizations are classified in Industry Group 5411, Legal Services;
- Establishments primarily engaged in providing community action services, such as community action services agencies, are classified in Industry 62419, Other Individual and Family Services;
- Nature preserves or conservation areas are classified in Industry 71219, Nature Parks and Other Similar Institutions;
- Government establishments primarily engaged in administering, overseeing, and managing governmental ecological restoration programs are classified in Industry 92411, Administration of Air and Water Resource and Solid Waste Management Programs; and
- Government establishments primarily engaged in administering conservation programs are classified in Industry 92412, Administration of Conservation Programs.
NAICS Codes that fall under 81331 - Social Advocacy Organizations
Codes | Titles | US Business Entities |
81331 | Social Advocacy Organizations | 78,051 |
813311 | Human Rights Organizations | 14,191 |
813312 | Environment, Conservation and Wildlife Organizations | 9,810 |
813319 | Other Social Advocacy Organizations | 54,050 |