NAICS Code Description

33641 - Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing

Top Businesses by Annual Sales for 33641 – Click for Complete Profiles:

Lockheed Martin CorporationTextron Inc
Raytheon Technologies CorpRockwell Collins Inc
Boeing CompanyNorthrop Grmman Innvtion Syste
General Dynamics CorporationTransdigm Group Incorporated
Honeywell International IncSpirit Arosystems Holdings Inc

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in one or more of the following: (1) manufacturing complete aircraft, missiles, or space vehicles; (2) manufacturing aerospace engines, propulsion units, auxiliary equipment, or parts; (3) developing and making prototypes of aerospace products; (4) aircraft conversion (i.e., major modifications to systems); and (5) complete aircraft or propulsion systems overhaul and rebuilding (i.e., periodic restoration of aircraft to original design specifications).


  • Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing space satellites are classified in Industry 33422, Radio and Television Broadcasting and Wireless Communications Equipment Manufacturing;
  • Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing flight simulators are classified in Industry 33331, Commercial and Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing;
  • Establishments primarily engaged in the repair of aircraft or aircraft engines (except overhauling, conversion, and rebuilding) are classified in Industry 48819, Other Support Activities for Air Transportation;
  • Research and development establishments primarily engaged in aerospace R&D (except prototype production) are classified in Industry 54171, Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences;
  • Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing aircraft engine intake and exhaust valves, pistons, or engine filters are classified in Industry 33631, Motor Vehicle Gasoline Engine and Engine Parts Manufacturing;
  • Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing aircraft seating are classified in Industry 33636, Motor Vehicle Seating and Interior Trim Manufacturing;
  • Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing aeronautical, navigational, and guidance systems and instruments are classified in Industry 33451, Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and Control Instruments Manufacturing;
  • Establishment primarily engaged in manufacturing aircraft engine electrical (aeronautical electrical) equipment or aircraft lighting fixtures are classified in Industry 33632, Motor Vehicle Electrical and Electronic Equipment Manufacturing; and
  • Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing aircraft fluid power subassemblies are classified in Industry 33291, Metal Valve Manufacturing.

NAICS Codes that fall under 33641 - Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing